Contact and social media

Following me on social media makes sure you’re always in the loop:

If you’re interested in working with me, please email me:

  •  Note that I’m based in Vancouver, Canada.

DEAR PUBLICISTS: I’m happy to be added to your mailing list to receive updates about your clients. I promise I read everything that you send me. However, due to volume, I’m able to reply only if I need additional information or if I have a published story mentioning your client to send you (all articles will also be listed on my Publication page and in my Contently portfolio at I’d really appreciate it if you send me only one email per issue — this helps me better manage my inbox and spend more time placing and writing stories.

I tend to use Qwoted (and occasionally HARO) to request input and quotes outside of my usual network of publicists. Qwoted is my preference because info is kept on their site, instead of me receiving dozens of emails per request. Anything that helps writers spend more time pitching editors and writing instead of managing their inboxes is likely to translate into more articles mentioning clients. Thank you!

If you’re curious about guest posting on, please read these submission guidelines and note the (many) circumstances where I do not accept guest posts. If it’s obvious you haven’t read and followed my submission guidelines, your email will be flagged as spam.

Filling out the form below gets emails to me too, with no risk of anything going to my spam folder:


3 responses to “Contact and social media

  1. Please spread the right word about the Canadian beanie. It is a “tUque” not a “tOque” which is what a chef wears. It is a French word just like rendez-vous, hors d’oeuvres, etc… where you don’t change the spelling


What do you think? Your comments are most welcome.