
The end of the Brazilian side of the trail - the Devil's Throat, Iguazu Falls.

The end of the Brazilian side of the trail — the Devil’s Throat, Iguazu Falls.

During a six-week trip to southeastern South America, I was delighted to see a little of Brazil, as well as Argentina and Uruguay.

In Brazil I visited just two tiny parts of this giant country, Iguazu Falls and São Paulo.

Articles so far:

Some travel practicalities

Brazil has mosquitoes, so that means mosquito-borne illness. Read this article I wrote for World Nomads: Everyone is freaking out about Zika — should I?  There is something you should be worried about with Zika, but I bet it’s not what you think.

And note that Brazil’s visa requirements can be pretty strict. When I went the process was lengthy and required a letter from my employer and some detailed financial information. Rules were waved for several nationalities during the 2016 Olympics and have been softening since. If you plan to go, check early for the requirements for your country.

2 responses to “Brazil

  1. The Brazilian government is considering waiving visas in the future for several countries since it was successful for the Olympics.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Jim. Yes, several countries could visit Brazil visa-free in the months surrounding the Olympics. I’d love to hear that it is permanently waived!


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